

So, who am I, and what am I doing creating this whole foods blog?

I am wife to James, love of my life. Fated companion. Really: he's that great! I am a mother of five gorgeous babies. Technically 4 yrs to 12 yrs old. So, not babies in the literal sense. I love learning, growing, inspiring music, trying to dance though I have absolutely no skill whatsoever. Just ask my fated companion. Whenever I get my groove on, he calls it "Tribal dancing."

I am also a self-accepting and long-time carb addict. And I have the dental records to prove it. It is just recently, in the past few years that my body has started speaking loud enough for me to hear it. 

Signs and symptoms of age and frailty have crept in on me. I've decided, I DON'T LIKE A WEAKER BODY! For crying out loud, I'm only in my thirties and shouldn't feel as old as I do. 

I hate getting sick. A sore throat, joints, tooth pain, headaches. Any manner of lack of wellness is irritating to me. I may be outing myself as a bit of a complainer here. Ah well. Too late.

What it's not too late for is change for me and my family. Regarding nutrition and health, I have read and studied, and continue to do so. I also am using my God-given intuition, consciousness, and forming truth out of all the nutrition "noise" around me.

In my quest for better nutrition, I've read much. But of all I've read, the most influential morsels are these:

 "And I God, said unto man: Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in the which shall be the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." - Moses 2:29

"And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man--Every herb in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving." - Doctrine and Covenants 89:10-11.

:) I am currently in a state of change, exploring how to best nourish my family (body, mind and spirit). I want to record the journey, inspire others on my way, and share some delicious, and truly nourishing recipes.

Growing up I ate what I wanted, not really thinking of the future results. I never had too much of a problem with weight. As I write this, I am 140 lbs and 5'5". Not skinny minnie, but not overweight either.

Since having children and raising my family, I see life a little differently. I take it more seriously. I really want to spare them the dental bills I've had. I want them to enjoy more abundant health and abilities than I have done. I want to help them learn healthy living habits.

We all know the media isn't doing this. And not many of my generation (I am 35. Yeah, I said it.) were raised on wholesome, home-cooked from scratch creations. 

As a child of processed foods, I am on a quest to overcome them. 

And thus the reason for the existence of this blog. It is a personal journal of my attempts, successes, and failures at creating delicious food that truly NOURISHES your soul. 

EAT whole, BE whole. That's the goal.

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