
Monday, August 19, 2013


I have hundreds of pounds of wheat in my basement. It’s a food storage thing. Like, end of the world, or end of our jobs scenario. And what will we eat? Well, lots of things made out of wheat.

This recipe is one I’ve made before, but always forget just how good it is, and so neglect it far too often. It is super versatile, as you can add in lots of different kinds of spices to flavor it whatever way you like.

It’s also whole-grain, no sugar, and tastes lovely and wholesome at the same time. My kids really enjoyed this when I made it recently. Just make sure that when you bake it, you bake it long enough for it to crisp, to become crunchy as a cracker should. It’s easy to take it out too soon, and then be disappointed by the soft texture. Varying humidity will really affect the time you need it to bake, so watch carefully.


Whole wheat flour (hard red) – 1 ¾ C
Whole wheat flour (soft white, or pastry) – 1 ½ C
Salt – 1 teaspoon, and extra for sprinkling
Canola Oil – 1/3 C
Water – 1 C

Preheat oven to 350. Mix flours and 1 teaspoon salt together. Add in oil and water, and mix thoroughly. Roll out to 1/8 inch thickness on a lightly floured surface. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet, sprinkle with salt and cook for 15-20 minutes, or until light brown and crisp. Remove from oven and cool, then break into cracker segments. So good, so wholesome!


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