
Monday, June 17, 2013


The incredible, edible egg. A nearly perfect food, and complete source of all the essential amino acids we need. They also boast a host (15 +) of necessary vitamins and minerals, while coming in a slim, 155 calorie package!

So, I refuse to make cheesy eggs. Boring, cop-out, and too bland for my taste. I fry up some delish veggies to scramble into the amazing eggs. And who can resist a little cheese on top?


Butter – 2 T
12 eggs
Green onions – 3, chopped
Red bell pepper – ¼ C chopped
Green bell pepper – ¼ C chopped
Mushrooms – ½ C chopped
Mozzarella cheese – ¾ C shredded

Melt 1 T butter over low heat on large skillet. I use family size oven-top skillet that covers two burners. Pour all veggies into skillet and cook until softened, about 5 minutes.
Pour cooked veggies onto a plate to wait. Whisk eggs and season with any salt or seasoning you prefer. I like Johnny’s. Melt another tablespoon of butter in the skillet on medium-low heat. Pour whisked eggs onto skillet and begin to cook, stirring occasionally. After about 6 minutes, just when eggs are beginning to form into delish-looking clumps, add in veggies. Stir in well, and continue to cook just until eggs are almost dry. Dry eggs are gross, so don’t go that far. The finished product should still have some gloss!

When done cooking, sprinkle with cheese and serve to your much-appreciative fam.  Eat in Good Health!

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