
Saturday, June 15, 2013


So…if you love banana pancakes, but want to make them even healthier, than look no further. These are SO GOOD! I made about 80 of them the other day for my family of 7. There were NO leftovers.


It’s also a cool way to make the batter…in a blender. From whole grains. No need for refined flours here, no ma’am!

This is such a great way to use bananas that are on their way out…too brown to enjoy straight from the peel. Their over-ripeness actually sweetens the pancakes as they cook. You can top with syrup if you desire, but you certainly won’t need to!

You will not regret making these delicious cakes from heaven. The whole wheat flour only adds to the beautiful contribution they make to your body. 

They do cook differently, and are flatter than your traditional pancake. DON’T let that fool you. They taste mooch-o better than your traditional, baking-powder pancake. Trust me.


Soft White Whole Wheat kernels – 1 C
Milk – 1 ½ C
Eggs – 2
Oil – ½ C
Honey – 1 T
Baking Powder-  1 T
Salt – 1 tsp
Bananas – 6, sliced into very thin slices

Pour wheat and 1 cup of milk in blender. Blend for 2 minutes. Add remaining ½ cup of milk. Blend 2 more minutes. Add eggs, oil, honey, baking powder and salt. Blend til well mixed. Then fold in baking powder.

Pour on buttered griddle or frying pan, then quickly place 3 banana slices on each pancake. As it begins to bubble (about 2-3 minutes), turn over to cook the other side about 2 more minutes.

You won’t need syrup or honey for sweetness, but if you choose to use it, it will taste amazing.


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