
Thursday, July 4, 2013


Pancakes are one of the easiest breakfasts to make. And delicious. Traditional white flour baking soda pancakes make my stomach uneasy, so I try to use whole wheat flour and buttermilk or some sort of sourdough recipe. When I make pancakes this way, I never seem to have digestion issues with them. Hallelujah!

I decided to add in blueberries and mango to lighten the taste and they were amazing! The platter of 40 some pancakes disappeared before my five hungry children in no time at all!


Soft White Whole Wheat Flour (WW Pastry Flour) – 3 C
Baking Powder – 3 teaspoons
Baking soda – 1 ½ teaspoons
Sea Salt – ¾ teaspoon
Buttermilk – 2 ½ C
Honey – ¼ C
Eggs - 3
Oil – 1/3 C
Blueberries – 1 ½ C
Mangoes, diced – 2 large

Mix all dry ingredients in one bowl. In another large bowl, mix milk, honey, eggs and oil. Gently fold in dry ingredients. Next fold in fruit.

Pour about ¼ C of batter on buttered griddle or frying pan. When the cakes begin to bubble (about 2-3 minutes), turn over to cook the other side about 2 more minutes.

You won’t need syrup or honey for sweetness, but if you choose to use it, it will taste even more amazing.


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