
Friday, July 12, 2013


Turnips are one of those foods most people love or hate. I have had them from time to time, but have still not been converted to the love side. So now, I am on a mission to love them!

I bought some beautiful looking specimens, and they sat in my fridge for over a week, waiting for my inspiration to come. And come it finally did. Their strong, peppery taste (like a radish) can be a turnoff in big portions. So I peeled them, diced them, added a bit of oil and minced garlic, then roasted them with deliciously mild red potatoes. YUM! I hope you like this recipe. The turnips blend right into the potatoes (color wise) so your children might not even realize you are introducing a new veggie!


Turnips, medium-sized, peeled and diced – 4
Baby Red Potatoes, cut in ½ inch pieces – 6
Garlic cloves, peeled and diced – 3
Canola oil – 2-3 T
Sea salt – 1-2 teaspoons (to your taste)

After prepping turnips, potatoes and garlic, mix all with oil and salt (to taste). Roast at 400 degrees for about 25 minutes, or until turnips and potatoes are soft when pierced. ENJOY in GOOD HEALTH!

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