
Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Again, with the wheat, I try to have lots of recipes on hand that will utilize whole grains. This cracker recipe is not as sweet as what the store will sell you. But it is infinitely more healthy. And easy to assemble. And preservative free. For less than $10 a box! Which is what I feel like we pay so often for good quality food.

As with the wheat crackers I posted earlier, make sure that when you bake these, you bake them long enough for them to crisp, to become crunchy as a cracker should. It’s easy to take it out too soon, and then be disappointed by the soft texture. Varying humidity will really affect the time you need it to bake, so watch carefully.


Butter, softened – ½ C
Brown sugar – ¾ C
Vanilla – 1 teaspoon
Whole wheat flour (hard red) – 2 C
Whole wheat flour (soft white, or pastry) – 1 C
Baking powder – 1 teaspoon
Baking soda – ½ teaspoon
Salt – ¼ teaspoon
Milk – ½ C

Preheat oven to 350. Mix butter and sugar, then add in vanilla. Combine flours, salt, soda and baking powder, then fold in until nicely combined. Add milk in last.

Lightly flour countertop, then roll out dough to 1/8 inch thickness. Cut into whatever shapes you like, then place on a greased cookie sheet. Bake until crisp and browning, anywhere from 8 to 20 minutes. Remove to cool.

My personal favorite way to enjoy these is with a nice slice of cheddar cheese on top. The flavor combination reminds me of cheesecake. YUM!


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