
Friday, June 7, 2013


I love fresh pineapple. Sweet, juicy, tender perfect morsels far superior to the canned variety. Pulled pork is also a favorite in our home. With summer weather on the way, it is high time the twain should meet!

This dish is super easy with a slow cooker. I always roast my meat this way, preserving so much moisture and flavor, while giving me more time to accomplish other kitchen tasks. Like tasting. Or sampling. Or maybe eating a healthy portion of dinner before dinner hour has come. :) Oh...confessions of a food lover.

Well, here's to your health. ENJOY this delectable, unique version of pulled pork.

Pork roast - 2 lb size
Fresh pineapple - 1 C cut into small slivers
Garlic - 2 cloves, pressed
Green onions - 3, sliced thin
Molasses - 2 T
Fish sauce - 1/2 tsp
Sesame Oil - 2 T
Worcestershire sauce - 1 T
Salt and Pepper to taste

First roast pork until done and pulls tenderly apart. Next, combine rest of ingredients, stir til mostly combined, then pour over pork and allow to marinate (not on heat) for at least 20 minutes. Serve over rice, lettuce, or on a sandwich. ENJOY in good health!

1 comment:

  1. Ruthie makes pulled pork with homemade rolls on a regular basis. Your recipe looks fantastic. Could you and the fam drive here and make it for us?
