
Friday, June 21, 2013


I never to need to eat out for Teriyaki again! And this sauce is so inexpensive and delicious. My kids preferred this far above the store brand we purchased. Super easy, so you can have this treat any night you wish!

I sautéed some chopped bok choy, red bell pepper, sweet onion and zucchini. I lightly dressed the veggies with this sauce, and miracle of miracle, the kids ate them right up! 


Vegetable oil – 3/8 C
Soy sauce – ¼ C
Demerara (or white sugar) – 1 ½ T
Garlic cloves, pressed – 2
Fresh ginger, minced – ½ T
Ketchup – 2 T
Fish sauce – 1 tsp
Liquid smoke – 1/8 tsp
Black Ground Pepper – a dash

Mix and cook over medium heat for a few minutes, until sugar melts. Allow flavors to get friendly (about 30 minutes in the fridge) then serve. Enjoy and repeat!

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