
Thursday, November 7, 2013


Goat cheese is delicious. It is like cheese meets awesome. Pungent, sharp, surprising, bright. It adds so much to whatever you make. With the exception of maybe, fudge? Well, we’ll have to play around with that too. Maybe we could make something work.

Something you KNOW is going to be enhanced by goat cheese is mashed potatoes. They are a staple comfort food, but can often lack depth of flavor or interesting components.

This recipe changes that. Try this. Don’t tell your family about your experiment. Simply make your mashed potatoes (with the extra special ingredient) and serve them up. I did this and the kids (who don’t love goat cheese or mashed potatoes) actually ate them!

Why do I make mashed potatoes with goat cheese if my kids don’t love them? Simple. I do. Gotta do something for the mom once in a while, right?  J


Russet potatoes – 2 pounds
Butter – ¼ C
Milk – ½ to ¾ C
Goat cheese – 4 oz of chunks
Salt – 1-3 teaspoons (to taste)

Wash and scrub potatoes. Peel off only about half of the peels. Cut into 1 inch chunks. Put in a large pot and cover with cold water. Put on to boil. Boil until tender.

Drain potatoes. Put in a large bowl, add butter and allow to melt. Add ½ C milk and whip with electric beater. Add goat cheese and more milk (to desired consistency) and whip until well combined. Salt to taste.


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